Sustainability Report design by Oliver Milburn, osmil brand design. Surrey, UK.

How to make your Sustainability Report stand out

Sustainability reporting has become a hot topic for UK businesses, and it's easy to see why.

We regularly support businesses with ongoing design and presentation services and we recently had the pleasure of completing another really engaging report for an online retail giant making big moves to reduce their carbon footprint and take full control of their supply chain. 

Through the process of designing sustainability reports for our clients, we see firsthand the benefits that this kind of reporting can have upon a business. With a fully transparent approach and 100% commitment to publishing the report annually, accountability is the key takeaway, and customers love to see businesses – no matter the size – taking responsibility for their impact on our planet and making positive changes to be part of the solution.

Of course, there are loads of benefits to sustainability reporting, but let’s look at it purely from a businesses’ perspective. Here are the top three business benefits. 


The top three business benefits.

1. Brand value

From an outsider looking in, one of the most exciting aspects of sustainability reporting is the impact it can have on a company’s reputation and brand value. Our client, for example, has a strong commitment to using eco-friendly materials and reducing their carbon footprint. By sharing this information with their customers more publicly, they are able to demonstrate their commitment to environmental responsibility which resonates with their audience and becomes part of what they stand for.

3. Mitigate risks

Another benefit of sustainability reporting is that it can help businesses identify and manage potential risks. During the data-gathering process, businesses often discover that my their suppliers were not meeting the environmental and social standards expected. This should lead them to engage with those suppliers and work with them more intimately to improve their sustainability practices, ultimately mitigating the risk of damaging their reputation and limiting disruptions to the supply chain.

4. Engage

Sustainability reporting helps businesses engage with their stakeholders in a meaningful way too. It’s not just about the customer. Through well designed infographics and data visualisation, we help companies present their sustainability data in a way that looks fantastic, is enjoyable to read and easy to understand.

Engaging with a design agency to elevate your sustainability report builds trust and loyalty among stakeholders, whilst also reinforcing your brand.

Working with a design agency has become an integral part of the reporting process for many large businesses. We often work with the raw data and turn it into a visually compelling report that effectively communicates their commitment to sustainability. Using a range of tools and techniques to create infographics and other visual elements, we help you tell a story and become a better business.

Sustainability reporting is a powerful tool for businesses looking to enhance their reputation, improve risk management, and engage with their stakeholders. By working with a design agency to present the data in the best possible light, businesses can ensure that their sustainability efforts are effectively communicated and truly resonate with their own stakeholders. We’re all accountable.

Want a great looking report?

If you’re already reporting but you’re still publishing Word Documents using Times New Roman font, let’s talk.